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Начало Culture and sport
Култура и спорт


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Наименование на проявите

Място на провеждане



НШ за момчета и момичета под 16 г. юноши и девойки младша и старша възраст



НШ по зимни хвърляния,всички възрасти


Месец март

НШ крос-кънтри



Крос „Трети март”



Крос „Ивайло”

Велико Търново

Месец април

НШ по спортно ходене



Мемориал „Митето”



Мемориал „Огнян Илиев”



Турнир за юноши и девойки на писта



Международен турнир „Борис Мулешков”


Месец май

Мемориал”Веселин Даскалов”



Международен турнир „Нови звезди”



НШ по планинско бягане



Турнир по хвърляния




НШ за юноши и девойки младша възраст



НШ за мъже и жени,момчета и момичета под 16 г.



НШ за юноши и девойки старша възраст


Месец октомври

Шосеен пробег”Кольо Фичето”



Крос”Луковитски моми”





     1. Общински крос „Първа пролет”

  1. 2.Ден на спорта – 17 май
  2. 3.Общински крос „Златна есен”

Културен календар за 2015г.

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Сурвакарска вечер


Секретар-библиотекар Ст.Ангелова



Моста в старо село при р. Скът


„Йордановден” –хвърляне на кръста в река Скът

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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14.01.2015 г.



„Васильовден”-Ромска Нова Година-традиции и обичаи

/местно значение/



ЦДГ „Пчелица”,

ОУ „Отец Паисий”

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател- Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Библиотека при НЧ „ Просвета 1899”

с. Крушовица

120 години от рождението на Гео Милев – тематичен кът, четене на произведения на българския поет

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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Библиотека при НЧ „Хр. Ботев-29”


120 г.от рождението на Гео Милев

Секретар-библиотекар Ст.Ангелова



Чит. Б-ка


80 г. от рождението на Д.Дамянов



09161 2384


Библиотека при НЧ „ Просвета 1899”

с. Крушовица

80години от рождението на Дамян Дамянов -тематичен кът, четене на произведения на българския поет


НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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НЧ „Просвета 1899” –

Малък салон

„Бабин ден” – пресъздаване на традиционния празник,трапеза с блюда, литературно-музикална програма

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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Общински клуб гр.Мизия

Бабин ден

Общината, читалището

09161/ 23-84

21.01.2015 г.

ЦДГ „Пчелица”

/Уточнява се допълнително/

„Бабин ден”- традиционен

Възпроизвеждане на традиционен местен обичай „Вдигане дете на гринда”

/местно значение/


ЦДГ „Пчелица”.


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател- Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Дневен център за възрастни с.Липница

Честване деня на родилната помощ-„Бабин ден”



НЧ „Отец Паисий-1927”

Галя Христова-библиотекар и Дневен център за възрастни

0878584326 galia_hristova70@abv.


14.02.2015 г.


Посещение в частни домове и площада пред Читалището

„Трифон Зарезан” в с.Софрониево – възпроизвеждане на обичая „Зарязване на лоза”

/местно значение/



Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател- Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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14.02.2015 г.



„Софрониевска винария” с конкурс за най-добро вино и вкусно мезе

/местно значение/



Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател- Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Дневен център за възрастни

„Трифон Зарезан”-Ден на лозаря-опазване на традициите

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Дневен център за възрастни с.Липница


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Общоселско тържество

Кметство с. Войводово и чит. настоятелство



Библиотека при НЧ „ Просвета 1899” с. Крушовица

Обесването на В. Левски – четене на произведения посветени на революционера

- тематичен кът

Библиотека при НЧ „ Просвета 1899” с. Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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19.02.2015 г.


142 години от обесването на В.Левски – тематично табло и кът.

/Местно значение/


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател- Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Читалищна библиотека

142 год. от гибелта на Апостола на Българската свобода- Васил Левски-беседа/презентация/ тематичен кът

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар



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142 г.от обесването на Васил Левски

Стефка Ангелова сек.библиотекар




19.02. 2015г.

-Паметната плоча

-С ОДЗ-та презентация за Левски

Участие в поклонение в памет на В.Левски/142 г. от обесването му/

Община, читалище

09161/ 23-84

Марияна Ангелова - секретар

22.02. 2015г.


Сирни заговезни


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова - секретар


ОУ „Христо Ботев”; ОДЗ „Здравец”; Кметство-Крушовица; Клуб на пенсионера

„Баба Марта”- украсяване на дърво-мартеница ; посещение от Баба Марта в ОУ „Христо Ботев”, ОДЗ „Здравец”,Кметство-Крушовица и Клуб на пенсионера

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

„Ден на самодееца”- беседа на тема – „Традициите през вековете”; музикално веселие

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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01.03.2015 г.

/датата се доуточнява допълнително/

Читалището-уточнява се допълнително

Ден на самодееца. Творческа вечер на изявени самодейци творци – ветерани, певци, танцьори и артисти.

/Местно значение/


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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с.Войводово -библиотеката

Посрещане на Баба Марта

Стефка Ангелова секретар-библиотекар



Библиотеката – с.Войводово

„Деня на самодееца”


Стефка   Ангелова

Секретар -библиотекар



01.03. 2015г.

Малка зала

Благотворителна изложба-конкурс за мартеници, картички,пана и др.изработени от деца и клубовете на пенсионера

Читалище, ОДК

09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


01.03. 2015г.


Ден на самодееца


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



02.03.2015 г.


ОУ”Отец Паисий”;

ЦДГ „Пчелица”;


Баба Марта:

1.”Баба Марта бързала, мартеници вързала…”

2.Конкурс за най-красива и оригинална мартеница.

/местно значение/


ОУ”Отец Паисий”,

ЦДГ „Пчелица”


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”


Ден на самодееца

Посрещане на Баба Марта-закичване с мартеници, Легенда за мартеницата, среща с читалищните дейци и децата от ЦДГ”Калинка”

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар




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НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

„Международен ден на жената”-музикална забава ; раздаване на ръчно изработени сувенири

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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08.03.2015 г.


/уточнява се допълнително/

8 март – международен ден на жената.

Среща на тема: „8 март – празник, история, същност.”

/местно значение/


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Ден на майката, жената

„Да подарим цвете”


НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Кметство Липница

Дневен център за възрастни


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Дневен център с. Войводово

Честване на Международния ден на жената


сек. б- р

Стефка Ангелова




Общински клуб

Международен ден на жената


ПК”Северно сияние”

09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


20.03.2015 г.



/уточнява се допълнително/

1.Пролетна изложба с художествени изяви на ученици , самодейци, местни любители-творци.

2.Пролетен празник, включващ творчески, самодейни изяви на софрониевските деца.

3.Пролетен излет със самодейците в някой от любимите природни кътове в околностите на с.Софрониево.

/местно значение/


ОУ”Отец Паисий”,


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Ден на пролетта-тържество по повод посрещане на Пролетта

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Дневен център за възрастни


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Площад – село Крушовица

„Първа пролет”- изложба на тема – „Пролет иде”

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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с. Войводово-

Дневен център

Пролетен карнавал


Стефка Ангелова сек.библиотекар





Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

Международен ден на детската книга- четене на литературни произведения за деца

Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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02.04.2015 г.


2 април – 210 г. от рождението на Ханс Кристиан Андерсен/1805-1875/ и международен ден на детската книга.

1.Среща с разговор на тема: „Домът на книжките”.

2.Инициатива: „Чети с мен любими Андерсенови приказки”

/местно значение/



ОУ”Отец Паисий”

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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2.04.2015 г.

Читалищна библиотека

Международен ден на детската книга-съвместни четения с децата от ЦДГ”Калинка”, драматизации на приказки и приказни герои, развлекателни занимания за децата

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Съорганизатор-ЦДГ”Калинка” с.Липница


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Библиотеката – с.Войводово

210 от рождението на Ханс Кристиян Андерсен

С.Ангелова -сек.библиотекар


02.04. 2015г.


Ден на детската книга



09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



Село Крушовица -обход

„Лазаровден” – обход на селото от деца лазарки

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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Лазаровден-лазаруване с деца

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 0878584326

04.04.-05.04. 2015г.

По домакинствата и р.Скът

„Лазаровден” и пресъздаване на обичая „Комичане”


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



Моста в старо село при река Скът

„Кумичане” – пресъздаване на обичая от девойки

НЧ „Просвета 1899’ Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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с. Войводово



Чит. наст., Стефка Ангелова



НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Подготовка за Великден-подреждане на изложба, битов кът, боядисване на великденски яйца и приготвяне на козунаци и обредни хлябове

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”


Дневен център за възрастни

ЦДГ”Калинка” с.Липница

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 0878584326

06.04.- 09.04.2015г.

В читалището

Седмица на детската книга

-210г. от рождението на Андерсен

-180г. от рождението на Марк Твен

- 160г. от рож. на Константин Величков


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

Седмица на детската книга:

-Четене на литературни произведения за деца и юноши ;  

-прожекция на детски филм с мултимедия

Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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Боядисване на яйца, изработване на великденска украса и изложба.


Читалище, ОДЗ-та





09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


12.04. 2015г.




Читалище, ОДЗ-та


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

Великден – боядисване на яйца; конкурс за най-красиво боядисано яйце; изложба от яйца и великденски хлябове и козунаци



НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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13.04.2015 г.

Читалището, площада пред читалището.

„Опознай България и традициите на Северна и Северозападна България” - Влашките традиции и обичаи в с.Софрониево, обл. Враца и днес - Великденско хоро /„Ора пащулуй”/.

Великденски празник в Софрониево:

1.Традиционно Великденско хоро „Ора пащулуй”

2.Великденски изложби

3.Литературно-музикална програма

5.Великденски огън

6.Великденска люлка

/ с местно и национално значение/



Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Великденска трапеза-среща на читалищните дейци

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”


Дневен център за възрастни


This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 0878584326

23.04.2015 г.







Световен ден на книгата и авторското право – Маратон на четенето.

Организиране на колективни четения в библиотеката на ученици, родители, учители, читалищни дейци и други любители на книгата.





ОУ”Отец Паисий”,

ЦДГ „Пчелица”

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Читалищна библиотека

Световен ден на книгата и авторското право-Маратон на четенето с участието на децата от ЦДГ”Калинка” ученици, и Дневен център за възрастни

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар



This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 0878584326


Читалищна библиотека

Подреждане на рисунки и материали, тематичен кът посветени на Ден на Европа

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар


This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 0878584326


с.Войводово- паметника

Ден на героите загинали в отечествената война .

Стефка Ангелова-сек.библиотекар







„Вода за живот”-лекция и презентация




09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



11.05. 2015г.


100 г. НЧ”ПРосвета-1915”- празничен концерт


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


11-15 май 2015г.


Инициативи в националната библиотечна седмица:

1.Библиотекар за един ден;

2.”Чети с мен” – инициативата продължава;

3. 1200 г. от рождението на Методий/окт.815-885/, славянобългарски просветител, брат на Константин-Кирил Философ, и 1130 г. от смъртта му.


ОУ”Отец Паисий”,

ЦДГ „Пчелица”

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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НЧ „Просвета 1899” – голям салон

„Спасовден- селищен празник” , културно-музикална програма

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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Читалищна библиотека

Подреждане на тематичен кът, изложба на книги и материали посветени на Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост-среща с деца и читалищни дейци

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар


This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 0878584326

22.05. 2015г.


1200г. от рождението на Методий славянобългарски просветител. Презентация.


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



Празнична среща с колегите от общината.


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

Ден българската просвета – рецитал , представяне на презентация на темата

Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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с. Войводово-   библиотека

Ден на славянската писменост


Стефка Ангелова


24.05.2015 г.


ОУ „Отец Паисий”

24 май – Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост /празнична програма/.


ОУ „Отец Паисий”,

ЦДГ „Пчелица”

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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28.05.2015 г.


/площада пред читалището/

Посрещане на Ботеви поклонници /участници в ежегодния 69 Национален туристически поход   „Козлодуй - Околчица”/, в с.Софрониево.

Литературно-музикална вечер с участието на самодейци, деца и ученици, таланти - участници в похода.


Ръководство на похода „Козлодуй-Околчица”,


ОУ „Отец Паисий”,



Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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01.06.2015 г.

Площада пред читалището

Традиционни рисунки на асфалт с деца на тема „Моят детски свят”.

Читалище, училище,


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Площад пред НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Детски празник

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница


This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 0878564326

01.06. 2015г.

Пред читалището

Празник на открито – състезания, конкурси с участието на ОДЗ-тата.

Община, ОДК,


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


с.Войводово лятната градина

Ден на детето


Чит. настоятелство, Стефка Ангелова и кметство


02.06.2015 г.


2 юни – Денят на Ботев и на загиналите за свободата и независимостта на България:

1.Тематичен кът ;

2.Презентация на тема:”Тоз, който падне в бой за свобода, той не умира…”




27-28 юни

Площад пред НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Ежегоден празник на селото- народно веселие

ЧН”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Кметство Липница


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01.07. 2015г.


Лятна работа с малките читатели по подробно изготвен план.


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



Лятна работа с децата.

Изготвяне на презентации за:

-        160 г. от организираното книгоиздаване в Б-я

-        50 г. от рождението на Джоан Роулинг



09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

75г. от рождението на Георги Иванов/1940/, първият български космонавт-тематично табло

Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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с. Войводово Лятната градина


Селищен празник


Кметство,чит. настоятелство , Стефка Ангелова


Юни/юли 2015 г.

/уточнява се допълнително/

Уточнява се допълнително

Участие на самодейните състави към читалището в класиране за Единадесети Национален събор на българското народно творчество „Копривщица 2015” .

/с международно участие/

Читалищно настоятелство

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Читалищна библиотека /компютърна зала/

Лято в библиотеката-работа с деца

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница” Галя Христова-библиотекар


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8,9,10 август 2015 г.

/уточнява се допълнително/

Гр. Копривщица

Участие на самодейните състави в Единадесети Национален събор на българското народно творчество „Копривщица 2015” .

/с международно участие/

Читалищно настоятелство

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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07-08м. -2015год

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

„Летни занимания”- четене на открито , рисуване и моделиране, кулинарни занимания

Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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21,22,23 август 2015 г.-/уточнява се допълнително/

с.Жеравна, общ. Сливен

Участие на самодейните състави в Осми Международен фестивал на народната носия ”Жеравна 2015”.

/с международно участие/

Читалищно настоятелство

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Август 2015 г.

/уточнява се допълнително/


Честване на селищния празник

/с местно значение/


Читалищно настоятелство,

ОУ”Отец Паисий”


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

Тематични изложби

Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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04.09.2015 г.


Презентация на тема : „130 години от Съединението на Княжество България и Източна Румелия, 1885 г”.

/с местно значение/


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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с. Войводово-   библиотека

130 г.от съединението на България

Стефка Ангелова-сек.библиотекар




Откриване на Новата учебна година в ЦДГ”Калинка”

-приветствие и подаръци

ЧН”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Кметство Липница


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01.10.2015 г.



1 октомври - Международен ден на музиката и поезията, на уважение към възрастните хора.

Разговор на чаша кафе „Умението да поддържаме вечно млад дух, чрез музика и поезия”.

/с местно значение/



Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Дневен център за възрастни хора с.Войводово



Ден на пенсионера и възрастните хора


Секретар-библиотекар- Стефка Ангелова



НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Международен ден на възрастните хора

Дневен център за възрастни

Съорганизатор НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар


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НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

„Ден на народните будители”- тематично табло;рецитал при ПК „Неостарявай”

Ученици от ОУ „Христо Ботев”, НЧ ”Просвета 1899”Крушовица

ПК           „Неостарявай”

С. Георгиева


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01.10. 2015г.

Общински клуб

Ден на възрастните хора

Ч-щето и пенсионерските клубове

09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар



Подготовка и участие

на певческата група в национални фестивали

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”


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15.10. 2015г.


Презентация за предстоящи зимни празници


09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар

30.10.2015 г.



31 октомври- Денят на вси светии – Хелоуин.

Хелуинска работилница - Как да си направим весели и невероятни маски и аксесоари за празника. Празничен карнавал.


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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Читалищна библиотека

Подреждане на тематичен кът и материали посветени на Деня на народните будители

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар


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НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

„Ден на народните будители”- тематично табло;рецитал при ПК „Неостарявай”

Ученици от ОУ „Христо Ботев”, НЧ ”Просвета 1899”Крушовица

ПК           „Неостарявай”

С. Георгиева


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Библиотека - с.Войводово

Ден на народните будители


Чит.настоятелство С. Ангелова


02.11.2015 г.



1 ноември – Ден на народните будители.

Беседа-разговор на тема „Софрониевските будители в миналото и днес”.


Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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02.11. 2015г.


Ден на народните будители-презентация


Клуб СС, ОДК

09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар

21.11. 2015г.

Площад „Свобода”

Освобождението на Мизия от турско владичество

Община, училища, читалище

09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

180г. от рождението на Марк Твен –американски писател- четене на произведения, тематично табло

Библиотека при НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Международен ден на хората с увреждания-среща, презентация

ЧН”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Кметство Липница


Дневен център за възрастни


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03.12. 2015г.

Общински клуб

Ден на хората с увреждания-беседа за социалните права и информираност.

Клуб на хората в неравностойно положение и Ч-щето

09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

Ден на хората с увреждания – презентация на здравна тема

ПК на инвалида – Крушовица ; НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

С. Георгиева


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ОУ „Отец Паисий”, ЦДГ”Пчелица”

/някои инициативи се уточняват допълнително/

1.Коледна работилница;

2.Коледно - новогодишни тържества;

3.Коледни конкурси;

4.Коледни изложби;


6.Раздаване на символични подаръци по домовете

/с местно значение/


ОУ „Отец Паисий”,

ЦДГ „Пчелица”,  

Секретар-Офелия Спасова

Председател-Теменужка Желязкова

GSM: 0878584352;

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19.12. 2015г.

Общински клуб

100 г от рождението на Едит Пиаф-презентация



09161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


2015 год.

НЧ „Просвета 1899” Крушовица

Коледни тържества

-раздаване на подаръци от дядо Коледа и Снежанка, изложба на коледна украса с природни материали

ОУ „Христо Ботев”; ОДЗ „Здраве” ; Кметство- Крушовица; Клуб на пенсионера

С. Георгиева


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Коледуване с ученици-коледарска група ще обходи селото

НЧ”Отец Паисий-1927-Липница”

Галя Христова-библиотекар


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ДЦРД с.Войводово

Коледно тържество

Кметство с.Войводово , чит. настоятелство



23.12. 2015г.

Пред читалището

Коледна изложба-базар на ОДК, ОДЗ-тата, клубовете на пенсионера.

Община, Ч-ще, ОДК, учебни заведения, клубовете на пенсионера

09 161 23-84

Марияна Ангелова –секретар


"Prosveta-1915" Community center

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Адрес и телефон на читалището в МизияThe community Center is founded in the spring of 1915 by Pano Petkov Krushovenski. The idea of the foundation gave Nikola Gerasimov from Berkovitsa, who was a teacher in the village of Bukyovtsi. One of the main objectives of the community center was to develop the cultural and educational activities among the population of Bukyovtsi. Amateur groups of young men and women have been founded, what gave every night readings and talks on temperance, love and family, choral and theatre performances. The teacher Krum Tenekedzhiev founded   theatre group that achieves great success. He painted himself the scenery for the theatrical performances.

Читалище "Просвета - 1915" гр. Мизия

From the foundation to the 30th years of the century the activities were performed in the hall of the “Cyril and Methodius” school .After his election as a chairman of the community center  Slavcho Panov Krushovenski  decided together with the teacher  Asen Hadzhijski and Metodi Yakimov to organize  a campaign for raising funds in order to build cinema hall  to the building  of "Ts. Tserkovski" school. Krum Petkov Mitov who was at that time librarian in the community center took actively part in the voluntary fund –raising. By volunteer work of the population of Bukyovtsi were made bricks and were delivered building materials, necessary for the construction of the building. For this purpose a building construction plan was drawn up by the engineer Marin Mitev, who gave it to the builders of the cinema hall as a gift for his birth place. A cinema hall with 500 seats was built, which was enough big for the population of Bukyovtsi for those years.This hall served until the opening of the new community center building in 1971 . Over the years and today it remains true to lessons of its founders. Being the only center of spiritual activity of the town, we  try to preserve  and  disseminate  the cultural values,  to preserve  and to give to the young generation  the local folk customs and traditions, to support the development  of the creativity of the rising generation  in  schools, circle groups, amateur groups,  providing  actual information and internet access. At present the following amateur groups function: dance group /primary course/, dance group /secondary course/, female vocal ensemble, group for   study and re-creation of folk customs and traditions, art of declamation, art school. We took part in many national and international festivals in Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia and Serbia, where our performance was excellent. On January 28, 2009, on the general meeting Mrs. Yovka Ignatova Cherganska was elected chairwoman of the Community center. Secretary is Mrs. Mariana Angelova.


"Prosveta" Community center

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Address of Community center "Prosveta"

Читалище "Просвета" с. КрушовицаTo reach full independent life and to be worthy of bearing the name man, first you need is education, firm will and strong mind to find out the right way to go. Only this nation which possesses lower education than its Master can be another’s slave – was said in those distant times by the revolutionary Lyuben Karavelov.

Fully indioendent life, desire and enthisiasm for further development and improvement-with such an enthusiasm started the way of the community center in the far away 1889. In the village arrived a teacher Decho Petrov from the village of Byala Cherkva. We have not his photograph, but his lively spirit passes over the years. It was his suggestion, supported by the public spirited residents from Krushovitsa, to found community center in the sagging " little building" of the school near the church , where he teaches. The new community center is called „Zora". Nikola Hristov Popov is elected chairman and the statute was brought from the home village of schoolmaster Decho .The work began with organizing of dancing parties and performance of plays.
The life of the young people passed with songs, dances and theater. The intent of the new Bulgarian state is to reach European countries forced it to create new progressive laws connected with the science. Many Bulgarians did real educational activity. They buy and donate books for common use.
At the beginning of world events in the beginning of ХХ century, in which Bulgarian is involved too and passed trough three wars for national unification left in the history, the activity of the community center stood still. The struggle is for survival, almost every home has lost relatives at the front.

Читалище "Просвета с. КрушовицаSeveral years passed. Bulgaria starts to recover. There is a revival everywhere. People look around and realize that they should go ahead.
In 1924 the community center is resumed by 21 young people und perhaps its new name „Prosveta"(education) is a symbol. The new medical auxiliary born in the renaissance town – Samokov was elected chairman and a secretary was the teacher from Krushovitsa- Minko Minkov. A new statute is made, which conforms with the new requirements, "recommended by the Ministry of the National Education".Representations are made to Managing Committee of Union of Community centers in Bulgaria for its joining.
The lack of a building is not an obstacle. The board of trustees hires premises against payment, where they are hospitably receipted for rehearsals, meetings, dancing-parties, performances. At the foundation of the community center the Commission of the Agricultural Union donated 30 decares land, but it was hard to be cultivated and the rent was low and that is why the solution was the sharecropping system." The Community center possesses a cupboard, 4 tables, 7 benches, 3 lamps, 1 belland an adze". But life here starts with "self-education and cultural improvement." The population is poor and hardly makes both ends meet. The donations are few. The supplement of books and magazines is difficult- the community center has hardly 50, but nevertheless we can read in the report of 1925 : "Incomes: from membership dues, from dancing-parties, from voluntary donations. Expenses: supplying equipment, for subscription for newspapers and magazines". In the next year we can read in the report: „ donated 68 books by the National education and 84 books by the District union of the community centers" and the first bookcase with books is a fact soon. So were laid the beginnings of the library. Lectures and presentations were performed. The theater is a challenge for the talented residents of Krushovitsa. First play was „Ruska" by Ivan Vazov, then follow : „Fathers testament", „When fairy falls in love", „Orderlies" „Female faithfulness", „Boryana".

Обредната зала при читалище "Просвета с. КрушовицаThe weekdays change holidays. The long winter nights gather the young people for party, performance, dancing-party. Even an 'entertainment committee" was elected to choose people who could read papers on variable topics.
The following chairmen changed: Vasil Gyurov, Penko Vatkov, Petko Toshkov.
The time has its own impact after 9th of September, 1944. I quote the historic reference by Dencho Andreev „Fortress of the policy of the Bulgarian Communist Party",, but the time has its own positive aspects. The first radio was purchased (there wasn't television at that time), many young people were involved. Many theater plays were performed- 6 for a season at " difficult conditions in the old hall of the school". It is of interest that 50% of the income from the music of dancing-parties and from the performances made by the teachers are designed for the community center.
Изпълнение на съставите при читалище "Просвета"On 19.12.1957 a projection apparatus was supplied .The young daughter in law from Krushovitsa Emiliya Angelova was trained as a projectionist and she gave welcome to many cinema fans.
In the spring of 1959 the residents of Krushovitsa decided by their own efforts and by the support of the Co-operative farm to build a large and beautiful building for a community center. The whole village got involved – some people made bricks, others laid the bricks, some carried materials. The work was in full swing and for three years the present building stood as a pretty girl in the center of the village.The chairman of the board of trustees at that time was Yoto Tsvetkov and a chairman of the council was Veliko Kotsev. The stage was painted as a donation by Sava Sabev.
Everything is beautiful. Simeonka Paraskevova who graduated from an institute for cultural and educational staff is beautiful, too. She instructed mixed group, which made performances in the municipality an in the region.
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The chairmen of the community center in the next years were: the real person – Dencho Andreev, Angel Dimitrov, Dachko Genchov, Ognyan Vasilev, and Angel Toshkov.

A brass bend consisting of people who are keen on playing, but are of " self- taught" musician with a director – the student of Diko Iliev – Neno Dimitrov from town of Oryahovo, a theater group and a dance ensemble under the guidance of Simeonka Paraskevova, a puppet theater , guided by the teacher Tsvetan Aleksiev function in the village.
From 1986 the brass band and the dance ensemble have new directors – Petko Gushanski and Tsvetana Ileva. The dancers made many successful performances and the brass band received a golden badge in 1987 in the town of Oryahovo. The children from Krushovitsa are attracted by the Bulgarian folk dances and Tsvetana Ileva took the challenge. They are accompanied by folk orchestra with director Nachko Iliev.
The following groups were founded: a female vocal group with director Velichka Dekova, group for political songs with director Maria Vorgova, a theater company with director Mara Velikova – secretary of the community center and a librarian. There was founded a circle of applied art, under the guidance of Nikolina Georgieva, which is a bearer of many certificates and awards. All Christian and public holidays were celebrated.
The traditional festival of the village is with songs, dances and fun and you have very good time and you wish it not to end.

Изпълнение на съставите при читалище "Просвета"What would be without the amateur artists? The most unforgettable till now are the family Nada and Yordan Benovi, Peshka Savcheva, Petko Brestenski, Emilia Angelova, Netsa Angelova, Vanya Haralampieva, Toni Petrov, Margarita Tsekova, Penka Hircheva, teacher from the primary school "Hristo Botev" and united children's institution "Zdravets" Krushovitsa.
The song "Krushovitsa- dear and nice" by Petko Brestenski became an anthem of our village. More than 10 years the song songs on every holiday and agitates every person born in Krushovitsa.
The difficulties from the transitional period didn't pass the people from Krushovitsa, but as people say „ with a song the difficulties could be easily met" and „song for good and bad times", the life in the village did not stand ill , the community center did not stand still, too. The renewed building of the community center is again the pretty girl, but she has a new dress- PVC joinery, nice curtains, renewed stage, and new equipment for the library and for the small hall.
Our girl is pretty and swaggers and there is a good reason for it.
Happy 110th anniversary!



Fully indioendent life, desire and enthisiasm  for further development and improvement-with such an enthusiasm started the way of the community center in the far away  1889. In the village arrived a teacher Decho Petrov from the village of Byala Cherkva. We have not his photograph, but his lively spirit passes over the years. It  was his suggestion, supported by the public spirited residents from Krushovitsa, to found community center in the sagging “ little building” of the school near the church , where he  teaches. The new community center is called Zora". Nikola Hristov Popov is elected chairman and the statute was brought from the home village of schoolmaster Decho .The work began with organizing of dancing parties and performance of plays.

The life of the young people passed with songs, dances and theater. The intent of the new Bulgarian state is to reach European countries forced it to create new progressive laws connected with  the science. Many Bulgarians did real educational activity. They buy and donate books for common use.
At the beginning of world events in the beginning of ХХ century, in which Bulgarian is involved too and passed trough three wars for national unification left in the history, the activity of the community center stood still.  The struggle is for survival, almost every home has lost relatives at the front.

"Hristo Botev" Community center

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Чителище "Христо Ботев" с. ВойводовоThe community center was founded in 1929. Some  of its first founders are Simeon Vatkov  from village of  Koynare, who was a teacher in the village at that time, Atanas Genov, Metodi Mitev, Stoyan Mitev, Netso Netsov. From  1929  to 1939  the community center  did not possess its own building  and housed in a private house,  and after the emigration  of Czechoslovak citizens in 1950  the community center housed  in the building  where it is to this day. One of the first librarians is Ivan Vasilev Dikov.  From 1940  to  1946 on the stage were performed many plays   and a group  was formed  in order to show something new  which could change the  daily round and the cultural habits of  the rising generation. During this period the young people and functionaries of the community center got into contact with  Diko Iliev and a  dance troupe and  an amateur  team were organized under his guidance.

Читалище "Христо Ботев" с. ВойводовоIn 1950 the library activity strengthened. The visitors were mostly students and workers and the library holdings comprise of   2 318 volumes. With the establishment of the cooperative farms in 1951, in order to strengthen the activity of the community center a new acquisition appeared .This was a projector which was purchased with money from working-days, made by the population.


“Probuda -27” Community center

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“ Probuda -27” Community center – village of  Sofronievo , Province of  Vratsa  was founded on  November 20, 1927 .The founders of the community center is a  group  of enthusiastic teachers and young people,  Ivan Petrov, Dobri Marinov, Marin Georgiev, Simeon Gochev Ivanov, Petar Rusinov, Andrey Tomov, Veselina Georgieva, Katya Dobreva, Stefan Florov Petrashkov, Opro St. Popov, Dimitar Dinchev, Georgi Stankov Bozhkov, Iliya Marinov Dobrev  and others, supported actively by the  local population. The first meeting was held in the building of the old school, where all initiatives connected with the foundation of the community center were held.
At the first meeting the teacher  Dobri Marinov  was elected a chairman of the community center and Iliya Marinov Dobrev, Georgi Stankov Bozhkov and Simeon Gochev were elected members.
The  purposes of the  foundation of “ Probuda -27” Community center  were education and  mass-cultural work, as well as  amateur art activities in the village, purchase of books  and distribution  among the population, students and youth , organization and performance of plays , readings, matinees,  entertainments. The initiators of these cultural and educational events were mainly school teachers.
At that time the work conditions were very primitive and hard. The whole organizational and cultural life was concentrated in the old school. At first the library was in the school building, and later on in a small building, which was located in the yard of the school. For amateur theater activities was used a classroom in the old school. The little hall was furnished with old worn-out desks, where the audience of 40-50 visitors was sitting. The above information shows that the conditions were rather primitive, but this was not an obstacle for the enthusiastic teachers, young and older people to start mass-cultural and educational activities among the population. The direction of the community center worked with the teachers and with the population and welcomed joyfully the first amateurs, organized by the community center. The first performances were organized by the teachers and were attended in large numbers by the young people and by the population. At that time were performed plays by  Vazov, Yavorov, Yordan Yovkov, Elin Pelin  and by other progressive writers. At the same time the teachers prepared morning performances and musical and literary programs. Notable anniversaries of Vasil Levski, Hristo Botev etc. were celebrated.
An important moment of the live of the community center was the material support by the school board. At its meeting it decided to place at community center’s disposal about 800 decares land ,  which was rented  and the funds collected are used for purchasing books.  The direction of the community center could improve its educational and cultural mass work and amateur art activity as a whole  trough the  provided material assistance.
At the first meeting a Statute of  “ Probuda” community center was  worked out and adopted as its full adoption was at the general meeting. The Statute of the community center was approved by the Higher Council of the Community Center. The adoption of the Statute and its approval enabled the direction of the community center to undertake number of cultural and educational activities among students, youth and population.  Many difficulties were encountered from the foundation of the community center to the years 1931 and 1932. With the funds collected from the sale of municipal land in 1928 started the construction of the primary school which was modern and conditions were created for contemporary training of the students. There was a gym in the building, which was later on reconstructed and used as a theater hall. In 1931/1932 were bought 250 chairs. The presence of a big theater hall enabled the  direction of the community center to develop political, mass-cultural, educational, theatrical, horal and dance amateur activities.
During this time the teachers Ivan Petrov and Simeon Ivanov worked actively and in their capacity as librarians they made their bests to teach the students to take regularly books from the library and to read them.
The theatrical activity improved and except the teachers  many young people  such as Stefan Buzov, Minko Kaldaroev, Georgi Sarbolov, Hristo Mahremski and many others were  included.
During the World War II and during the resistance movement many communists and non-party members were involved in the   life of the settlement and considered the community center a most suitable place for work. They listened to the news from the first radio in the village, read newspapers and were informed about the latest events, about the hard situation of the Bulgarian people, and about the course of the war. During this time with great success were performed to the spectators the most progressive plays for example "Land and bread" etc.
The life of the community center changed completely after the 9th of September 1944. The existing hall was reconstructed and the seats increased to 400. The stage was new decorated by the painter Sabev, thus creating suitable conditions for the amateur theater, the amateur singing and dancing. In the reconstructed hall were performed many plays, for example: “At the foot of Vitosha Mountain," "War," "Gypsy Tabor”  and others. During this period the community center established a busy relationship with the neighboring villages and they visited each other. Suitable plays were performed in the villages of Butan, Botevo, Krushovitsa, Lipnitsa, Hayredin etc. During this time a number of plays were performed, for examle: "Good kill you Bogdana" , "My chains are heavy, mother", „Silver ring" , „Nonka’s love" , "When young people grow" , „Each autumn evening"  etc. From the 9th of September 1944 uprising to 1977  a huge work  was carried out under the direct guidance of the Municipal Committee of BCP. The community center had its own hall where to perform creative work of full value but the library was housed in private houses, which made its work difficult. Regardless of all difficulties the direction of the community center managed to overcome them.
At that time the community center had 11000 volumes and 1200 readers / from the foundation of the community center to  1977 /. The cooperative farm (ТКZС, later DSS/, the municipal People's Council and the Regional Committee for Culture provided funds for the purchase of books. Special place of the activity of the community center took the amateur singing and dancing. The brass band took regularly participation in the performances and accompanied the dance groups. The youth dance groups and the adult dance groups prepared their dances with great desire and made very good performances. Our  groups   participated in local, regional, district and republican festivals, and they were always very successful.  The amateurs visited villages Oryahovo, Mihaylovo, Manastirishte, Altimir, Rogozen, Top Rozhen and  they played twice before the Bulgarian TV . The directors of the dance groups at that time were Aleksander Lazarikov, Ventsi Truykov and Ivan Nevlev.
With the  active cooperation of the population  projection-apparatuses were purchased  in 1938. The village had a cinema, which was visited by the population in large numbers. After the opening of the cinema the first soviet films were shown: „Tractor-drivers", „Blagoev’s land" etc. Cinema-operators were Kosta Sredkov, Stefan Stankov Rikov, Goretov.
When the new building of the community center was ready in the beginning of 1975   were created excellent conditions for the development of the activities of the community center. From 1944  to  1979  chairmen of the community center were Iliya Marinov Dobrev, Petar Ignatov Parvanov, Karamfil St. Rikov, Mitko Marinov Kamenov and Tsvetko Valkanov.
The 50th anniversary of the foundation of the community center was celebrated on December 10, 1977. At the same time the State Council awarded the community center the Order of Cyril and Methodius- 2nd class. The library  housed in a new building  that met  all needs of the readers. The community center worked  in cooperation with the school, pioneer and komsomol organizations. Under the direction of the Regional Committee of BCP , District Council- town of Vratsa, and under the active guidance of the village  committee Of BCP, the mayoralty , Fatherland Front, Komsomol organization  and other public organizations the community center worked  actively  to implement  the decisions of the  ХI Congress of the Communist Party  and of the  July Plenum of BCP.
The community center opened paid positions for librarian, organizer of the cultural-mass activities, choreographer. The people in these position  graduated from the Institute in Blagoevgrad and  work with desire  for the active participation  of the young people  in the  amateur art activities. Mrs. Mariyana Draganesheva is a librarian, and Mrs. Mariyana Hristova Goranova is  a horeographer. Chairman of the community center is Hristo Angelov Stoychev.
The facilities of the community center are good. The direction of DSS/later ОSSS – village of Sofronievo/ subsidizes the community center every year with 3000 BGN. It covers the costs for lighting and heating of the cinema.
There are 22000 volumes   in the library of the community center. In the community center are stored valuable archival materials, protocol books, plans, reports, information, albums, which show the life of the various amateur groups after 1975.
The 80th years are golden period of the activity of the community center. The amateur dancing took a definite place among the activities of the community center. There are three amateur groups; dance group for genuine folklore, children’s dance group and a brass band. Director of the dance groups was  Mariyana Hristova Popova. The dance groups of young people and adults have participated and still participate in local, regional, district and republican festivals.
The dance group  of  “ Probuda -27’ community center – village of Sofronievo was established in  1946  and director of the group was Ivan Stoychev Nevlev. He participated in all reviews and festivals  in the province,  in  Butan, Hayredin, Oryahovo, Vratsa. In 1962 two new youth groups were established. In the same year  the team participated  in the festival of amateur art activities „Ledenika" and won the first place. The younger group participated in the festival too and was awarded the flag: Winner. In 1965 the dance team celebrated for the first time the day of the wine-grower. They went outside the village and played there the ritual “ Zarezvane" .
Two years later the dancing team took part in the  concert   for the drillers, which  took place on Teacher columns. The same year  they  greeted  the drillers from village of Devene. On December , 8th 1969  the dance troupe  took part in the concert of Vratsa Province, which took place in the national Opera.  The performance was very good and it was filmed for the television shortly afterwards.
In 1970 the dance troupe danced in the town of Oryahovo. The troupe exchanged repertoires   with Rumanians from Krayova. In the same year they took part in a TV- program and their performance was very good. The names of the people are: Galaona, Zhuvatele, Tribazashte, Metra, Shumadiya, Signa.
The dance team put an end to its activity due to absence of a director.
In the beginning of 1979  Mariyana Hristova Popova became a director  and  led the team until her death in  May   2007 .
With the restoration of the dance troupe were restored the old dances, uniforms, traditions and rituals.
The team participated in all reviews of the amateur art activities and its performances were very good
On June 8 , 1980  a Rumanian dance troupe  from Yanka, Romania was on a tour and gave a concert.  On 22nd of  August the same year our dance teams visited Romania at their invitation. The relations between the two teams continue to this day.
The same year a women’s choir, a political group and a group of art of declamation
were established.
A review of the amateur art activities  was held in the community center in the year  1981 where the rituals  "Wedding", „Lazaruvane", „Laduvane"  were performed. In the  same year on  24th May the review of the amateur art activities was held un the nubicipality where the amateur took part again  and there  gave even individual performances: Iliya Dzhorlev – wooden flute, Dimitar Varbin – bagpipe, Elenka Kostadinova. The dance group performed an old wedding custom and authentic people - Zhuvyatele, Signa, Shumadiya, Tri pazashte. On June 13th of the same year in Vratsa, with the same program the dance group was chosen  for a participation  in  folk art fair in  Koprivshtitsa. On 6th of August the group left for  Koprivshtitsa. Our dance group won two silver medals for its participation on 7th of August. Since then our dance group returned from Koprivshtitsa every time with medals.
On  15th May 1983  on the  VI th   Republican festival  of the amateur art in the town of Vratsa  our  dance group  won a gold medal.
In the beginning of January 1990 a brass band with children from “ Otets Paisiy”Elementary school was  created   which made rehearsals twice a week with music teacher from Vratsa  Metodi Aleksandrov.
the dance group  participated in the International Festival of Rumanian  Kalush in  1995, held in the town of Slatina – Republic of Romania, where they performed well. In the same year it took part in the folk art festival Koprivshtitsa - 96.
The children’s  dance  group  entered a competition ‘ Veslets-96”  in  1996 .The first three places were won  by the children  from the dance group to the community center and from  the school in the village of Sofronievo. The individual participants won first place. We express our  gratitude  to Malinka Nikolaeva, Eli Iliyanova, Ivayla Valerieva, Milena Emilova, Anitka and Tsetsko Lyudmilovi.
The dance group  participated  in the festival in the Romanian Kalush in Republic of  Romania,   town of  Karakal from  13 to 20 June 1997. The festival started with a parade and performance for the Romanian national television. The amateurs from the community center made four concerts and their performance was very good.
Despite of the financial difficulties   in 2000 the amateurs of the community center performed excellent on the 8th National folk art festival in Koprivshtitsa -2000.
The community center in the village of  Sofronievo has old traditions. Each year on first of May the direction of the community center   celebrates Baba Marta in the united children care center “ Pchelitsa”.  The amateur Vesela Bozhkova tells tales, legends and gives martenitsi to the small children.
The day of Lazar or the Palm Sunday  is celebrated each year with the children from  “ Otets Paisiy” school.
Easter is a big holiday in our village. On this day the children make exhibition of eggs and Easter cake in the lobby of the community center. On the last day of Easter on the square people dance a Easter ring dance. By old tradition the inhabitants of the village meet together and give out Easter cake, eggs and wine in memory of the deceased relatives. The custom turns into all-village celebration on the square.
On 24th May is celebrated the Slavonic Literature and Culture Day together with the students from the elementary school. A literary and musical program is performed.
28th May is a big day for the village of  Sofronievo, too. On this day the Botev’ detachment   marches trough the village. Botev’s pilgrims   are greeted with bread and salt by students in national costumes .The brass band plays on the bus stop, children give flowers to the Botev’s rebels. The evening continues with solemn concert- firework dedicated to the anniversary of the death of the poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev with participation of the amateurs from the community center and school. In the program take part amateurs participating in the National march Kozloduy - Okolchitsa.
The feast of the village, the fair or   Virgin Mary’s day   is held every year at the end of August – the last Saturday and Sunday of the month. The festival is celebrated each year with a program and concert.
Christmas and New Year holidays are very well organized at the school and the kindergarten. New Year decorations are put in the center of the village. The students from “ Otets paisiy” Elementary School  participate as carol-singers. The amateurs from the community center and from the school organize Christmas and New Year holidays.
After the so-called “Golden period” follow years of difficult survival, but despite the difficulties the   direction of the community center manages to preserve and to maintain many of the traditions and the folklore.
A number of thefts were made in the building which worsened its condition. In addition no repairs were made for years. From time to time   little repair s were carried out, such as replacing window- glasses , putting  gratings,  but this is not enough. In the summer of 2007 on „Beautiful Bulgaria" project of  municipality of Mizia a fundamental external overhaul of the community center and of the roof was performed.   But it also needs a major internal overhaul.
The community center disposes of a municipal building, which has a total area 980 sq.m, floor area– 1600 sq.m. It houses the following halls – a large hall – 500 seats, small hall – 100 seats; library, reading room and storage, a conference room, dressing rooms, a sanitary unit and foyers.
The condition of the necessary equipment remains insufficient. The furnishing of the community center is olds and dates back to its foundation.
There is a library to the community center, that doesn’t function. According to the data from the last report   the library fund is about 12100 volumes.
The community center continues to maintain friendly relationships with amateurs from village of Yanka, Republic of Romania. There aren’t any breaks in the relations till today. During the difficult years of the community center these relations were never interrupted.
Each year the community center participates with its own program in the folklore festival „Danube Songs" in municipality of Yanka. The Romanians come also with their own program in municipality of Miziya and in village of Sofronievo.
Despite of the difficult years the amateurs do not miss any opportunity for performance.
They have never omitted to participate in the national folk art festival in Koprivshtitsa.
In the summer  of 2008  the amateur group participated in  the  folk costume festival  „Zheravna-2008", held on  22, 23 and  24  of August in the village of Zheravna, in the  Dobromeritsa locality. The festival was organized for the first time and promises to become the most important cultural event for the preservation of the Bulgarian cultural identity of the calendar of the municipality of Kotel and of the country as a whole.
The most significant architectural reserve„Zheravna"  preserved in Bulgarian  greeted with songs and dances  from the different regions: 100-те kaba bagpipes, zourla from Petrich region, fire-dancing and mummers from the whole country , as well as  original handcrafts and traditional dishes, that were tested by everyone.
The amateur team of our community center presented the typical for the region “Vlach wedding”, which became the most picturesque and authentic recreation of old custom and took first place for best overall performance of the group.
Our representative for the original handcrafts were  Natasha and Valcho Manchovi, who demonstrated  weaving on loom and also exhibited  materials, produced by them
The prize for the first place  was presented  personally by the  chairman of the jury  and  chief art director  of Balgare Ensemble  Hristo Dimitrov on the  festival concert  on occasion of the Day of the village  on 29.08.2008.
A number of new cultural events were created. Every Christmas, for example, the population enjoys the visit of Santa Claus, Snow White and dwarfs who visit their homes and give gifts. This event takes place with the support of the sole trader „Sarbenitsa". In the evening carol singers and the male vocal group and students visit homes and wish health and fertility.
In March our new grandmother Marta – Natasha Manchova visits not only the children in the kindergarten, but the students from Otets Paisiy Elementary school, institutions and companies. On 1st of March she doesn’t miss anybody from the village – neither the inhabitants nor the guests of the village and ties martenitsa on their hands.
In the last two years the following amateur groups won recognition:
1. Dance group for ancient customs and genuine folklore:
2. Women’s groups for folk songs, old town songs, chorus songs
3. Men's group for songs
4. Women’s disco ballet
5. Satiric group
6.Student’s brass band.
The information was summarized by Ofeliya Krumova Spasova – Secretary of “Probuda 27 Community center- village of Sofronievo.

"Otets Paisiy" Community center

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Foundation date:  January 14th , 1927 .

Chairman of the community center board of trustees: Rumen Hristov Shopov

Secretary of the Community Center: Galya Georgieva Hristova

Читалище "Отец Паисий" с. Липница

Facilities of the Community Center:

  • Total area 650 m2;
  • Cinema hall 233 seats, 350 m2;
  • Youth’s house – community center 300 m2

Main activities:

  • Library activity;
  • Amateur art;
  • Varied cultural and popular work with the population.

There is a library in the Community Center. The library holdings comprise of  6 329 volumes.


There are following artistic collectives:

  • Ladies vocal group;
  • Authentic folklore troupe for presentation of folk customs and traditions.

With the support of Tulip Foundation   a day-care center for older people is built in

“ Otets Paisiy”   Community Center .

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